A teacher smiling and looking forward at a professional development conference

School Improvement

Our approach

Empowering leaders and building a self-improving system - our approach to school improvement.

To achieve the vision for all our schools, we have a model of school improvement which meets the needs of all schools in their ongoing journey to achieving and sustaining excellence.

Improving the quality of education

Our approach combines the development of leader knowledge and insight to review and refine the work of their school and inform each school’s bespoke support. Alongside this, we have developed collaborative structures for working together on high-leverage areas for improvement and an ongoing programme of staff professional learning.

Centralised operational services

Improving the quality of education is underpinned by centralising operational services and standardising approaches to complicated but not school-context-specific areas such as attendance. This empowers leaders to focus on the core business of teaching and learning.

We are informed by evidence

We believe that children do best when they are happy, healthy, and safe. We focus on performance relentlessly. We analyse data and work proactively with schools to ensure all children can achieve their potential. Our work on school improvement thus combines a drive for standards with creating schools which are enjoyable and enriching organisations to learn and work. We provide additional tailored support for schools requiring rapid improvement.

Our School Improvement Pillars

Key Features:

  • Leadership Coaching, including a school improvement lead for each school
  • Review and refine cycle – termly reviews (KIT), audits, pupil progress meetings
  • Reviews – Challenge Partner annual reviews (including opportunities to be a reviewer)
  • Trust to Trust support
  • Headteacher group
  • Access to a primary curriculum.
  • SENCO support
  • Behaviour Hub.

Key Features:

  • Communities of practice: collaborative leader and teacher groups, working together on a few high-leverage areas for improvement
  • Peer review
  • Subject networks (for teachers by teachers)– focusing on designing and curating the curriculum, and focusing on enacting great pedagogy
  • Creativity music and cultural education.

Key Features:

  • High-quality, evidence-informed continuous professional development at every stage of their career
  • Coaching and mentoring support
  • Opportunities to progress through clear career and development pathways
  • Flexible working opportunities
  • Opportunities to lead work within and beyond Trust schools.

Centralising complicated business and operational services – finance, HR, legal, estates, marketing and IT.

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