
Trust governance

Committed people combined with a shared ambitious vision.

Excellent schools require excellent governance, and our Members, Trustees and Local Governors are proud of the quality of governance they provide to our growing organisation.
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Governance Structure

Shalene Varcoe, Director of Operations leading an information session on governance

Our Governance structure explained

The Trust is a company limited by guarantee but has no shareholders. Our governance structure values the roles played by the different layers of governance and provides parity of esteem.

We have a range of committees formed by the Trust board, comprised of trustees or local governors as defined in their Terms of Reference and with delegated powers as detailed in the Trust scheme of delegation.

This is a forum comprised of the Chairs of every LGB and the Trust Chair to ensure two-way communication and feedback.

The Trust Executive, led by the CEO, are employed by the Trust and are responsible for the day to day operation of the Trust and its schools.

The Trust Board is legally responsible for the actions of the Trust and its schools. The Trust has also enshrined within its framework the importance of Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) in providing oversight of each school, and providing greater overall governance capacity at both the local school level, and on specific areas of Trust-wide strategic development when a need is identified.

The Trust Scheme of Delegation details the roles, responsibilities and duties delegated to our different layers of governance.

Our Members

The first tier of governance oversight is provided by the Members who are the guardians of the Trust, its purpose and welfare. However, they have limited governance responsibilities and no day-to-day management responsibilities.

Meet our Members below:

Our Trust Board

The Trustees are legally responsible for the actions of the Trust and its schools. They are accountable to the Members, the Secretary of State for Education and the broader community for the quality of education in our schools, and for ensuring that public money is well spent.

The majority of Trustees are appointed by the Members to whom they report. They are both trustees under charity law and company directors under company law.

The Trust Board is the Trust's key strategic decision-maker. It may delegate specific responsibilities to the Executive Leader (the CEO), a committee or an individual by following the Scheme of Delegation. However, the Board remains accountable and is responsible for all decisions made and therefore must make decisions which are in the best interest of its pupils and its staff.

All academy trust boards have three core functions:

1. Ensuring clarity of the vision, ethos and strategic direction.

2. Holding the Executive Leaders to account for the educational performance of the school(s) and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff.

3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school(s) and making sure that its money is well spent.

Meet our Board of Trustees below:

Trustees who have stepped down in the previous 12 months

Claire Maugham - Stepped down 31/03/2024

John Godfrey - Stepped down 31/03/2024

Martin Deutz - Stepped down 17/10/2023

Simon Latham - Stepped down 17/07/2023

Our Local Governing Bodies

Our Trust Board is legally responsible for the actions of the Trust and its schools. The Trust has also enshrined within its framework the importance of Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) in providing oversight of each school, and providing greater overall governance capacity by working collaboratively, and joining Trustees on chosen areas of Trust development.

The Trust Scheme of Delegation outlines the roles, responsibilities and duties given to Trust and school leaders, and our different layers of governance.

The Charter School East Dulwich
The Belham Primary School
Charles Dickens Primary School
The Charter School Bermondsey
The Charter School East Dulwich
The Charter School North Dulwich
Dulwich Hamlet Junior School
Lyndhurst Primary School
Streatham Wells